Tyson Foods is Building a Cooking Plant in
Danville, Virginia
Maintenance Technology Careers at Tyson Foods in Danville
Industrial Maintenance
Maintenance Planner
Automation Tech
Maintenance Manager
Average salaries shown above. Download a PDF for additional information about maintenance careers at Tyson Foods.
Meet Tyson Maintenance Technology Professionals
For Experienced Maintenance Technicians
Careers at Tyson Foods in Danville
Most hiring starts in late 2022 and continues through early 2023, but some professional positions and roles for more experienced maintenance personnel may open up beforehand.
Maintenance Technology
Human Resources
Quality Assurance
Health and Safety
Get in on the Ground Floor
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Experience Danville, Virginia
Danville, Virginia is a vibrant place that offers modern amenities with the charm of a smaller town. And it’s just a 45-minute drive to the suburbs of Greensboro, North Carolina. That means you can choose the lifestyle that fits you best.
Experience Tyson's Supportive Culture
At Tyson, we embrace the diversity of our team members, customers, stakeholders and consumers – their unique backgrounds, experiences, thoughts, and talents. Everyone is valued and appreciated for their distinct contributions.